
Showing posts from January, 2020

Legend Tripping

  1. Most of the children of Carlin High School were engaged in the usual playground activities, girl gossiped rapidly sounding like a thousand busy typewriters; youthful first years laughed and chas ed each other around the yard, burning off energy; older kids from the rough end of town hid behi nd the toilets, smoking weed. Steven was sitting alone, perched on the fence like a hawk, watching all the normal mayhem when he spotted Simon Anderson take a nosedive onto the concrete. The boy just went white and dropped, and even though the other kids were making a godawful din, Steven definitely heard Simon’s skull crack like a heavy egg as it smashed onto the ground. The noise was a sickening, hollow sound that made his heart jump in his chest. He immediately jumped off the fence and rushed to see if the older boy was alright. In the seconds it took him to move to where Simon was, there was a large crowd around Simon, some girls were screaming, an older boy was shouting, “Get a...

The Boy in the Bubble, or, In The Current Year

Insomnia was not the word for it. He slept, but fitfully. His mind had attuned itself to hear that insectile buzz of his phone on the bedside cabinet. He would awake from his nocturnal half-life slumber, blast himself with the lurid LCD lights on the tiny screen as he excitedly looked to see what reactions his latest hot takes had brought to him. Sometimes there would be likes, agreements, encouragement, all of which would give him a warm glowing feeling and allow him to drift off again in soothing hormonal bliss. At least until the next time the phone alerted him to a response. Other times he was not so lucky, someone might disagree or insult him or pour scorn on his thoughts and he would lie there furious, calculating how to respond, dreaming up the perfect savage retort, counter-argument or sneering dismissal. Sometimes he could not think of a response but either way he would be up all night then, bickering with and insulting random strangers or tortured by his own inability a...

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